This is just a test. It might be a short one, or it might be a long one. You'll never know what's going to happen in life and this blog is going to be proof of it. I have tried to keep a blog once. It lasted for a month or two- if I remember right. Nobody knew about it, and I'm glad since I thought (and still do) it was terrible and a huge mistake. I was bored, had been reading many blogs for over a year or more, and decided to make my own. I was 17 and didn't have my own proper camera, at least not that kind you would use to blog. But our family has a camera, it's not a professional camera, and it doesn't have to be since it's only to take photos of our family, parties, my brother's football career etc. But at the time I thought nobody used it. So we had a fully working and quite a good camera without use (in my opinion). That's when I decided to do something about it and that's when my first blog - or whatever you call it - was born. But that's enough about it, since it's all "dead" and buried already (thank god).
So, my name is Wilma, nice to meet you. Whoever is visiting my newly born blog. If there is someone. Welcome. I'm currently 19 year old girlie from Finland. But my life is (hopefully) going to have a huge change in a few weeks, because I am moving to the great city of London with my best friend. In 13 days or so. That's something I've been wanting, dreaming and hoping for so long - and now it finally is going to happen, so I don't think there's need for me to tell you how super super excited I am. But more about it later.
I have always liked clothes and fashion. Maybe not in a way that many girls (and why not boys) have, but in a way still. I always loved our textile lessons in school, and I always have liked to do with my hands. (Though I am that kind of person who starts manymany projects at the same time and almost never finishes them.) Don't get me wrong- I do have many things and works that I actually have finished - but there's also quite many of those that are on eternal process. A good example of this is one scarf that I have been knitting for what- 5 years at least - and it has come to the great length of 60cm!! (don't ask what's that in inches, I have absolutely no idea).
Anyways, back to the point, which was clothes, fashion and style. I became more interested in style when I was about 13, I guess. And from then on - I've only become more and more conscious on what to- and not to- wear. I like dressing up, I like it a lot. But there are also days when I'm too lazy or tired to give a damn, and on those days I might look like a homeless man who hasn't been in shower for a year. But I forgive myself, it's not so serious if you don't always feel like you want to dress up. Though my policy in school was always that I had to use nice clothes. (there were so many not-so-nice-outfits also..)
When I started high school, I loved the fact that we actually were allowed to wear shoes inside, since I've always thought that shoes are a huge part of an outfit and they can either ruin it, or give the final touch to it. Now I was able to actually plan my outfits, without having the concern of "WHERE HAVE ALL THE GOOD SOCKS GONE". I got new friends, and there was this one girl I was extremely close friends with at the time. She was one of those friends I changed clothes and shoes with, and with whom I almost always was talking about fashion, shoes and clothes (or boys, of course). One time I had borrowed one pair of her heels, and I was quite happy with how my whole outfit looked like. We were walking towards our other school friends, with whom we had the same lesson next, when one of the girls said "I'm pretty sure that Wilma and *beep* are the two best dressing- people in our whole school!!" That sentence has stayed in my mind for 3 years already, and it was a huuuuge compliment for me. I was so happy, and proud of myself when she said that, and I guess that's when I "seriously" started concentrating on clothes, shoes and everyday fashion. I'm not saying that I'm super stylish or anything - I just like to make an effort and think what I'm wearing.
I'm not going to say - or write - that almost the biggest cliché's in the world "I love fashion/style". Because you can go wrong so badly, and I don't want that. I'm not going to say that this is style or fashion blog, because I'm about 100 percent sure, that there are people who can't understand my clothing choices and whom think that my clothes and/or outfits are awful. And I don't mind it. But I don't want to make that big of a statement, in a fear that I may not be able to honour that. This is going to be a blog about me, and things that I like, without any proper definition. I'm just going to do my own thing. Which apparently is writing 100 chapter books..
Anyways, I hope that whoever finds this little baby of mine, will stay and read it if interested, and maybe even comment (if you're brave enough, watch out- I bite). Though I highly doubt that anybody would be crazy enough to read this first post and then stay here after that. OK now I seriously am leaving, good night the world of the amazing internet!
ps. I do want to apologize for every spelling-, dot-, comma- and grammar etc mistakes, because after all I did write this at 1-2am after a 9-hour shift at work. Don't know why. But I did. Oops.
xx, Wilma